Ciuda Real 2 - 03724 – Moraira ALICANTE +34 96 574 0612


  • The management and defense of the interests of all the associated companies in the exercise of the business activity of leases and sublettings of apartments, chalets, bungalows, premises, etc., as well as the defense of its clients.
  • To represent the associates before the various organizations of the public administration, autonomic, Central or Municipal.
  • To represent procedurally to the associates, as well as to exercise all kinds of judicial actions-civil, penal, contentious-administrative-in defense of the interests of these, before any courts and tribunals, even, if legally proceeds, the Constitutional Court.
  • Information and advice on matters of interest to partners.
  • Any type of action, including the formulation of binding consultations, to the tax administration.
  • Any other actions that result to the benefit and interest of the members.